It snowed the other night and I forgot to turn off my headlights when I got to work. 5 hours later a co-worker asked if my truck battery still worked.
A dash out to the parking lot accompanied by a teeth chattering prayer was rewarded by silence when I turned the key in the ignition. Grrrr! Dickidoo gallantly offered to give me a jump when I got off of work at 11:30 that night. Unfortunately the short drive home wasn't enough time to recharge the battery and once again I was greeted by deafening silence the next day when I tried to start up the engine.
Dickidoo had finally had enough. He called the bank, got pre-approved for a loan and took me car shopping as soon as I got off of work the day after Christmas. He tried to talk me in to a surprisingly nifty looking mini van, but from the first moment I saw it I fell in love with a sporty little 2008 Impala. It was out of our budget but some fast talking on Dickidoo's part, coupled with the car lot's need to make a sale during the declining economy... and the sacrifice of Big Red as a trade in had me driving home in the Chevy.
I am still in a daze. But my daze has power steering, a working heater and the windows all roll up and down!