Saturday, July 24, 2004


Everyone knows how good it feels to laugh, and nothing quite beats the toe-tingling fireworks of sex, but there are so many other stimulants that just feel so darn good, and yet nobody ever talks about them.  For instance, in all of the journals I've read, only one other blogger mentioned how good a Q-tip feels in the ear.  And if that doesn't get the itch that you have way down deep in your ear, just turn the speakers up on your stereo and put your head to it, that should do the trick.

Other 'feel goods' includ sneezing, yawning, farting and good old fashioned burping!  The release of pressure is immediately gratifying.  Then there is the simple act of scratching an itch.  Try resisting an itch for as long as you can, and when you can no longer stand it, scratch gently.  Ahhhhhhhh! Its almost orgasmic!

Have you ever been so congested that you couldn't breath, and then suddenly the flood gates open and your sinuses drain, and you can actually feel it running out.  Of course you start choking and have to hack up that loogie, but you know you're thinking.... 'dang, that felt GOOD'! 

Your knuckles are stiff so you bend them backwards and are rewarded by  a loud resounding crack.  People around you cringe but you don't care because it felt so good you decide to crack ALL of your knuckles.

The only good thing about costipation is when the dam finally gives way, either naturally or with the aid of Exlax.  You sit there on your throne and give a big sigh of relief similar to the one you gave after your child was born.  Another great 'relief' feel-good is when you are finally able to empty your bladder after being forced to hold it for a long time.  I've actually heard people sighing with pleasure in public restrooms.  And yep, I'm guilty of that pleasure myself.

Ever had a splinter?  Do you remember how you felt when the sliver finally came out?  Was it relief, or pleasure?  Think about the next time you get one.  And zits... now thats one I never got into but my husband loves to have his back picked on.  And scabs.... what is it about scabs that some people just feel the need to pick?  Ewwwww!  Not me, but there are a vast number of people who practice that strange obsession.

And one of my favorites.... eye boogers!  I'll swipe the corner of my eye and get a hold of one that drags across my eye, and up and behind, and under the lid  and by the time it finally comes out or breaks my back is twitching, my eye is rolled back into my head and my leg is twitching like a dog getting its belly rubbed.  With all of these natural 'feel-goods', who needs drugs?  Now please excuse me while I go pick some eye boogers.


Anonymous said...

I have a dog and a small child, so I get three times the eye-booger-removing satisfaction! (Hubby won't let me remove his yet---greedy bastard!)

Anonymous said...

I'm waiting to break the congestion from a cold. And yes, it will be great. Cute and honest entry. : )

Anonymous said...

lol,so true,so true.

Anonymous said...

 Not sure if I'm relieved or grossed out, LOL!  I had an english bulldog that needed his wrinkles cleaned out everyday.........lift his nose wrinkle and wipe.....and once we babywiped those stinky schlegmmies (not sure what else to call it).........he was happy and smelled like a rose......and eye goobers too, the worst on him.      What you wrote about splinters is so true.........feels much better when they're out......and blisters from new shoes..instant relief when you pop them....
another great entry........ PS: cute son on yesterdays' entry!


Anonymous said...

    You missed one!  How about when you have an ear infection, and you are laying down and something inside your head lets loose and you soak the pillow with whatever was stuck in your ear canal?  NOTHING BEATS THAT! NOTHING!  Instant relief from the pain and you get your hearing back.  Ahhhhh

Anonymous said...

I now have a new perspective on the "little pleasures" in life.  Here I was complaining that nothing good ever happened to me... Why, I have a handful of knuckles I could be popping right now!  Thanks for reminding me that the good things in life are free!

You're too cute!

Anonymous said...

Digging in your belly button has its own unique pleasures as well....

Anonymous said...

I was just thinking about that the other good it feels to get that q-tip in ur ear and how good it feels to scratch an itch.. ::sigh::