Where do evil little oompa loompas live? Why, in rocks, of course! How they made their way into my home is a mystery to me. I took the kids with me to the Garden of the Gods where they were able to play around on the rocks to their hearts' content. They seemed so at home that I was tempted to leave them there, especially once they started arguing! And what were they arguing about one may wonder? Why, rocks, of course!
I was wondering why the body doesn't have an early warning system in place for when you eat something that doesn't agree with it. Why does it take so long for the body to realize, 'oh dang, I don't like this salsa, I think I'll let it pass through.' Why does it wait until AFTER one eats the same salsa a second time the following day before it alerts the owner of the body that things are not compatible in the digestive system and therefore the salsa is being rejected as is from the intestines. Come on... if I had known a little earlier I wouldn't have eatten any more of that salsa! If I had been warned right after the initial consumption, it could have been in and out right away without lingering consequences.
But no... my intestines had to form a committee. In the mean time I'd all but over-dosed on Pace Southwest Medium Heat Picante and my digestive system was pulling a filibuster! Now, for the 10th time since I got up today I must retire to my chamber and tend to my conservative innerds. With issues like this, who needs politics?
You are too funny! Brandy
and why is it that things taste so good and then sit in your tummy and make you feel sick???? They shouldn't be allowed to taste good!!!!
They do look kind of natural in among the rocks, don't they?? <LOL>
i think you may have the nudclear option!
your little friends look like gnomes, cute ones
Rocks....did you say rocks? Sounds like our dog "Bonehead". He likes rocks too. You haven't lived until that white waggin' tail dog drops his rock on your toe. Hey Dorn, I remember you liked to play in the rocks too, but that's another story altogether. Speaking of stories, I like to hear the origin of your "Oompa Loompa"
be thankful your digestive system didn't resort to the 'nuclear option'
Your intestines and the politicians have a lot in common--they are all full of.....poop...
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