Well loyal and faithful readers, its been a fun filled, fart free week. I've met new bloggers, new readers, long time lurkers and not one single heckler... I've investigated new journals, I've browsed old ones. I've relived past entries that incited new fits of laughter or renewed pain and sorrow, but it was well worth it, each an every moment.
But it is time to pass the baton to the next guest editor, and I do it with honor. I have served my time, I have done my duty to the best of my ability and I am a better person for it.
Thanks to all of my featured authors for allowing me to share their journals, and a very special thanks Journals Editor Joe (the REAL editor) for taking the risk and allowing me the honor this week. Its been a blast. And speaking of blasts....
LOL...oh no... You didn't really just do that did you? You are my husband's dream! ;) C. http://journals.aol.com/gdireneoe/thedailies
One word: BEANO. :)
Listen you Dust Bunnies Slayer. It's been a Hoo-Ya to read your J. Thanks for the sneaky pete's for OUTING the word F-A-R-T!
LOL - You are a gem! I hope you keep updating a lot ... it has been a joy to connect with you each and every day!
be well,
congrats on a week well done.................
phew!!!! that sure was stinky!!!
lol like the farts. I was fun having you as guest editor, I love your journal. I love the ones you picked.
ROFL!! I love the flaming fart words..too funny! :-D
~ Susan
Oh, that fart explosion has enthralled Tabby and her friends...sigh...ROFL
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