Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The New "Middle Age"

The older I get, the older 'middle aged' gets.  Once upon a time, in my earlier prime, I considered 50 to be middle aged.  Now that I am 50 I have decided, at least for the time being, that middle aged shall be 60ish for I fully intend on sticking around for at least another 60 years or so~
So here's to the ever elusive 'middle age'.  May we never catch up to it in our life time.


Shininggoober said...

Amen sister!

Phyllis said...

I'm right behind you and I feel the same way. I plan to live to 100 so I can continue to be a pain in the a$$ to my kids for a veeerrryyy long time!

Missie said...

Amen to that sister! Have a good week.

Rjet33 said...