A lot of people recycle these days. I notice their little color coded tubs out on the curbside every week along with their trash. My trash collectors don't recycle, they say its too expensive so I must hire another company to come and pick up my recyclables. How funny that in some places you actually get paid to recycle... and here I would have to pay.
But thats okay, I do my share. I'm very diligent about recycling 2 things. First of all, I recycle air. That is directly beneficial to the ecology. I breath in and then I breath out in a never-ending cycle. The earth helps me and I in turn help the earth.
Secondly, I recycle my paycheck which is more of an economic benefit, but it benefits the country none the less. I go to work, providing needed services to my customers. The customer pays my company which pays me. I then take my earnings and spend it on either my company, or another... but I keep the cycle going. I don't break the cycle by tucking the money away in an account so that no one can benefit. There are many selfish, or just innocently ignorant people who sit back in their big houses or cushy offices who never recycle their money, and I don't hold that against them. Recycling isn't for everyone, but I will proudly do my part!
I believe that the two things you recycle are more important that those that I throw into my recycle bins! Good for you!!!!!!
Love your journal.
I was astounded when I moved to lovely, 'environmentally consvious' Arizona that they don't recycle out here.... It's crazy!! But (hehehe) I love your attitude :)
Your journal is easily the funniest one I have read. Enjoy the crowd to come.
I love it ! YOU my dear are a MESS! You've made me giggle (1st time today!) Im going to link your journal to mine ~ if thats ok..you have really got a nack!
LOL, more need to learn from your way of recycling. Glad I stopped in, I'll be back. Mind if I link you to me?
hee hee, very funny entry! Your journal is very creative and enjoyable to read.
Thanks for the encouragement everyone. Don't know why my husband is so dead set against my paycheck recycling though. He's one of those type that wants to just stash the money away and never let anyone else benefit from it. How selfish of him!
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