Wednesday, February 11, 2009

About that Poopy Little Puppy...

My puppy seems to have a leak. Can I exchange her for one that doesn't?

My nephew saw me putting some frozen corn kernels into the microwave. The next time he walked by I was pulling some corn on the cob out that I had just heated up.

'Oh Wow, you make your own corn?' he remarked in utter amazement. I wasn't sure what he was getting at so I slowly replied 'If you mean did I cook it, yes, I did.'

'I mean, did you stick the corn on those things yourself?' he clarified in all earnestness.

I promised my nephew that when he gets a girl friend I would share this story with her. Hopefully she will see the humor in it. My nephew didn't. He's such an Oompa! Hehehehe!


Unknown said...

Poor poopy puppy. That has to be one of the funniest unintentional silly things a kid could say....LOL

Sage Ravenwood said...

We live for those moments to torture the unsuspecting with debauchery of their little lives. (Hugs)Indigo

garnett109 said...

yikes now it leaks too?

Phyllis said...

Oh how funny! My husband John is from Ohio. I remember the first time he Banana Pudding at my Grannies, he actually asked "Are these real bananas?". I thought I would wet myself laughing! Have an awesome day!

Melissa and the boys said...

My son saw a corn field for the first time this year, and could NOT figure out that corn came from corn stalks...he swears that they "come from a can mom!" Oh to be 3 again...

Traci said...

Oh me! Kids!