Friday, December 15, 2006

THE NEW ELF, and the Post Office at last.

The new Elf wrapped the last of the gifts to be sent to the Grand-Oompa, his baby sister and cousins but when I picked them up to pack them in the box, most of the parcels popped open and had to be rewrapped.  I considered firing him as well, but decided that he probably just needed a little more experience.  Not a problem, I've got tons more gifts that need to be wrapped by the 24th!

When I could no longer procrastinate about the trip to the Post Office with a clear conscience, I got into Big Red and made my way through town.  It was later in the day than I had wanted, but traffic was light and although the parking lot was full, I still had a choice of parking spaces.  Inside I encountered the expected line.  What I didn't expect was the speed in which the line was proceeding.  Nor was I anticipating such friendliness from the other customers in line.  Upon closer inspection I figured out why the visit was turning out to be so pleasant... the other patrons were for the most part Grandparents just like me, braving the chaos of the season to send some special treats to their very own precious Grandbabies.

By the time I paid for my postage and turned to leave the Post Office, the line had grown to 3 times the length it was when I had arrived, and the customers were obviously no longer in the spirit of the season judging by the looks on their scowling faces.  Hahaha, better them than me!

I took the Oompas to the mall to do their Christmas shopping.  It was actually very fun watching them searching for the perfect gifts for their siblings.  One day they will make fine Santas for their own children.  Hmmm, I wonder how many times THEY will use Santa's name in vain.  At least as many times as WE did... I hope!  (Its only fair!)


Anonymous said...

i hope to shop this week after school is out maybe wednesday-saturday lol i hate waiting but have to this year. next year i am starting in june


Anonymous said...

Today was it... I am finally done.  Yay!  Of course, I have to take the picture for the cards, print the cards and mail them, and also wrap - ugh.

be well,

Anonymous said...

What a nice surprise to find a non-grumpy queue in the post office! Have a great Christmas! Jeannette xx

Anonymous said...

funny how a long line can wipe the xmas spirit right out the door

Anonymous said...

Great day!  I am so impressed that you had a good experience at the post office!  There is hope!