I have a cell phone that I rarely use. I have the family plan so Dickidoo and Gabe can call me anytime without using up our monthly allotment of minutes. They never call me on it, because I never know where my cell phone is to answer it. Basically my cell phone is to give to the kids any time they leave the house without me or their father. Its kind of a security device. I feel secure knowing that I can reach them when ever I want them.
My wall phone has been unusually active lately. Gabe called and I had the opportunity to tell him I loved him. One of my best friends and her husband, whom I refer to as my 4th son, called now that they are back in the states from a long overseas PCS in Germany (her home country). My sister-in-law, the mother of the Southern Oompas called, giving me the opportunity to try and brainwash her into moving out here where I can help her with the kids while she deals with her health issues. I feel so helpless way over here, knowing that I am in a position to assist her but the commute is a real killer!
And... my mom called today. She said she just wanted to touch base with me, but there were other things she needed to share with me as well. Things such as the battery of tests her doctor ordered for her heart. 'Don't worry' she says, 'At least not until I say so'. Oops, too late! She says one of her medications (she's currently on 11) is giving her dry/sticky mouth. She can handle the dryness, but the stickiness is making her nuts. She says she wouldn't be surprised if she were to wake up one morning and find that she can't open her mouth because it was stuck shut, which she says Daddy might appreciate. Yep, I think he might, considering the fact that he left a dead battery in his hearing aid on purpose. These are the folks who bore and raised me, do you need any more explanations?
My mom also mentioned that my brother has applied for re-enlistment into the Army Reserves. He has already passed some of the preliminary tests and is waiting on some final results to see if that is even possible. If he is accepted, once he is finished with his retraining he will be combat ready and most likely deploy to the Gulf region. The reserve unit he will be assigned to, if accepted, already has a regular Army unit assigned for attachment. It will be with my son's unit. I hate that my son is going to Iraq. I hate that my brother may go. I love that they may serve together. I'm thinking I may even get some sleep tonight.
I had no coffee today. None, nada, zip, zilch, nix, nine, zero! Its never been the cause for sleeplessness in the past, but I'm getting desparate. I tried the hot tub, I tried a little hoochi coochi, I've tried wine, I've tried rum, I've tried Brett Hume's news report, I've even tried counting sheep (ended up shooting them). So I'm decaffeinated, I'm on a roller coaster of good news/bad news, I'm a little buzzed (didn't take much tonight), a little bit itchy (thanks to the little buzz). If I don't sleep tonight, I may NEVER sleep again!
And I've come to the conclusion that.... coffee induces farts. I haven't farted once today. None, nada, zip, zilch, nix, nine, zero! Its got to be the coffee, its the one constant. You know what? I miss coffee and therefore I miss farting. Tomorrow I'm due to make an appearance at a wedding and I shall be there, fully caffeinated and tooting the trumpets of glory!
On that note, I bid you all a good night.