Saturday, January 29, 2005


The kids each got 2 fish a piece.  The only catch, the fish had to be the same kind.  Becca got 2 guppies, a male fan-tail and a female.  Zack got 2 bleeding heart tetras.  Art got a couple Kribensises and Rocky chose some Head and Tail Light Tetras.  The guppies were obviously a breeding pair, the others we weren't sure of.  Art went to the computer and was able to pull up some information on the other fish.  The bleeding hearts don't breed well in captivity so we didn't bother with them.  Art was able to distinguish almost immediately a male and a female Kribensis... he also had a breeding pair. 

Rocky had little to go by except that the male Head and Tail Light tetra is thinner than the female.  She became frustrated and moody because she could not name her fish without knowing whether they were male or female.  I suggested uni-sex names, but she dismissed that idea, nope, it had to be a male or female name, and changing the name later if necessary was NOT an option.  Gracious, these critters don't even know we're talking to them let alone care what we call them!  Frustrated I told her that I had NO IDEA how to tell the difference... Desparate, I even stared at the fishtank, peering between their fins like some kind of kinky peeping tom, trying to get a hint of their sex, but heck, I can't tell the difference between a male fish's 'thing' and a female's 'thing'.

Determined to get this settled I finally found a site that was able to give a little more detail besides that 'the female is fatter than the male'.  This one said that the abdomin of the female was more rounded and that when pregnant you could see the eggs through the translucent skin.  Well guess what... Rocky has a male and a female... and the female may even be pregnant.  Its either that or the fish has to take a major dump!

That got me to thinking though... maybe I am plump and more rounded than the average male of my species because the human females are supposed to be 'rounder' than the males.  It's either that or I have to take a major dump!


Anonymous said...

Tetras rarely successfully breed in captivity outside an experienced breeder's tank. The guppies are basically automatic baby factories. Most female guppies are already pregnant when you get them. That's because most female guppies are pregnent all the time. They are, however, also always hungry, so the babies tend not to last long. Kribs are shy, retiring fish. They will appreciate some rocks or something to hide under.

Anonymous said...

If you have baby fish...I will trade you a degu for some baby fish?  purty purty please??  with sugar on top????

Anonymous said...
